Debunking the N.E. 18th Street Overpass Reliever Argument*
The City of Ankeny has conveyed to numerous persons that the NE 18th Street overpass will primarily be used to relieve traffic during 1st Street construction. Traffic will be detoured through Frisk Drive a local road with blind curves, no shoulders and steep embankments. This is clearly dangerous. The city seems to think spending millions of dollars, nearly as much as the 1st Street construction itself, to temporarily route traffic down a local road with limited traffic handling capabilities is a good idea. Once the 1st Street project is done the overpass will provide little traffic relief. The city should be concentrating on the 36th Street interchange since it will provide permanent traffic relief and act as a reliever during 1st Street construction. This would also be consistent with the current practice of placing interchanges at 2 mile intervals. The City of Ankeny claims that the NE 18th overpasses purpose has nothing to do with the Deer Creek Estates LLC land development. This seems unlikely: The following was taken from the The NE 18 Street feasibility study that was paid for and authorized by the Ankeny City Council.
There is no mention of using the NE 18th Street overpass as a reliever during 1st Street construction in the feasibly study. |
Just a few facts about the proposed NE 18th Street overpass:
Should the taxpayer be expected to spend
millions of dollars to construct an overpass to relieve traffic for a
temporary construction project? Does it seem appropriate to endanger
citizens by detouring traffic down Frisk Drive during 1st Street
construction? |
Currently there is
little traffic in the area of the proposed NE 18th Street overpass.
How will this clean Iowa's air? Is it appropriate to use
Clean Air Attainment Program) money for the NE 18th Street overpass?
The City of Ankeny
should concentrate on the 36th Street interchange.
This would permanently relieve traffic at 1st Street. |
Proposed overpass on the east side of I-35 |