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Ankeny Watch

Informing the Public of Ethical Concerns in the Ankeny Area

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The Inappropriate Use of Voluntary Annexation Procedures

Many cities currently are using Iowa Code section 368.7 titled "Voluntary annexation of territory,"  for annexations even when the majority or in some cases 100% of the people living on the property to be annexed do not wish to be annexed. How can this be considered voluntary?  Why is this procedure being used and should it be allowed?

In this case a signed petition was submitted to the City Council and City Development board stating the wish of the residents was to not be annexed. Click here for petition.

Section 368.6 titled "intent" precedes section 368.7 and states it is presumed the wishes of the residents are (intended) to be fulfilled with regards to annexation. Why would the City Development Board proceed with a voluntary annexation when it does not reflect the wishes of the residents?  Why wasn't the involuntary annexation procedure used instead?

The 80/20 annexation procedure allows the petitioners with at least 80% of the land to proceed with a so called 80/20 annexation. It is a relatively easy procedure. The cities and land developers do not want to use the more difficult to implement involuntary procedure which takes into consideration the wishes of the residents. The section 368.7 voluntary annexation should only be used if it is truly voluntary as indicated by the wishes of the majority of residents.  Apparently large land owner rights supersede the rights of the majority of residents according to the City Development Board of Iowa and many of the cities in Iowa.  Many of the cities are telling residents they have no choice but to submit since the landowner or landowners have greater than 80% of the land.

Furthermore the courts have indicated that the title of 368.7 "Voluntary annexation of territory" is an appellation or designation with no meaning, that the legislature did not truly mean the annexation has to be voluntary when using the 368.7 procedure even though the title is
"Voluntary annexation of territory".  The courts have also stated that if section 368.7 is successfully completed that they can ignore section 368.6 since some of the law was complied with. They have even gone so far as to indicate that since the consenting land total is in excess of 80% the land is somehow volunteering and thus the presumption of validity in section 368.6 is being fulfilled.  Apparently the land is a living being. These arguments are ridiculous and do not conform with the intent of the legislature.  Some cities are improperly using the section 368.7 80/20 voluntary annexation procedure as a simplified form of involuntary annexation, even though Iowa code indicates that this procedure should not be used if it is not consistent with the wishes of the residents.  The legislature, as indicated in section 368.6, presumed the annexation should be a valid voluntary annexation, reflecting the wishes of the majority of residents, before proceeding to a section 368.7 80/20 type annexation.

There is big money involved and many of the cities and land developers are intent on trampling over any resident in their way. 


Brief with appendix Submitted to Appellate Court (court date has not been established). Click here.

Appeal filed for another case involving annexation in Ankeny against the will of the residents using a so called 80/20 voluntary procedure. Petition coming soon.

Is a city in Iowa thinking about annexing you?

  • Do you not want to be annexed? 
  • Is a majority of the residents of the area to be annexed against the annexation?
  • Is the section 368.7 80/20 procedure titled "Voluntary annexation of territory,"  being used?  The residents can file an appeal without the use of expensive attorneys.

It is important you have a petition signed by the residents stating your wishes with regards to the annexation and that it is submitted to the City Council and City Development Board before approval of the annexation.

This website may be able to help.  Email at scott@ankenywatch.com

Send an email to Ankenywatch.com if you have information about possible
unethical behavior or private property issues in Polk County.

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